about lcms tim
Interim ministry has been a resource to LCMS congregations since 1997. The Interim Ministry Conference (IMC) is a gathering of LCMS interim ministry practitioners, accountable to the LCMS Council of Presidents, and represented by an IMC Board comprised of seven active Interim Pastors and two District Presidents. The IMC oversees the training and credentialing of LCMS Transitional Interim pastors, promotes TIM conferences and continuing education for practitioners, supports districts with TIM resources, and promotes the use of Transitional Interim Ministry across our Synod.
Rev. dr. Richard davis, imc executive director
The IMC Executive Director serves as the “glue” for the work of the IMC Board, convening monthly meetings, coordinating the annual conference, and serving as a point of contact for those with interest in TIM. Rich graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1980 with a call to Leadville, Colo. From there he was called into the active-duty Air Force Chaplaincy, retiring in 1998 with a call to Kent, Washington. From 2002-2012 Rich was called to Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana to take a position that dealt with the personality and behavior of the seminary students. Rich retired and moved back to the Northwest to be closer to family. Since 2016 Rich has served in Transitional Interim Ministry in East Washington, Minot, North Dakota, Oahu, Hawaii, McCall and Cascade Idaho, Maui, Hawaii and Everett, Washington. He and his wife, Gail have been married for 53 years. They have three adult children and seven grandchildren. Rich welcomes email at Info@LCMSTIM.org

interim ministry conference (IMC) elected board members

rev. jeff wilhelm
IMC Board Chair
Jeff Wilhelm serves as Interim Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He makes his home in Leesburg, FL.

rev. rocky mease
IMC Board Vice-Chair
Rocky Mease serves as Interim Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hanover, Kansas. He makes his home in Derby, KS.

rev. Peter gueldner
IMC Board Secretary
Peter Gueldner serves as Interim Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Faribault, Minnesota. He makes his home in Monticello, MN

rev. allen steinbeck
IMC Board Treasurer
Allen Steinbeck serves as Interim Pastor of Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Santa Maria, California and Dir of TIM Ministry in the CNH District. He makes his home in Paso Robles, CA

rev. dr. Mark Koch
Credentialing Chair, Concordia Plans
Mark Koch serves as Interim Pastor of Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Broomfield, Colorado. He makes his home in Lebanon, TN

rev. dr. Mike ramey
TIM Online Forum Coordinator
Mike Ramey serves as Interim Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Cape Coral, Florida. He makes his home in Conover, NC

Rev. Bill hartley
TIM Promotion
Bill Hartley serves as Interim Pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Emporia, KS. He makes his home in Spokane, WA
IMC appointed board members – district presidents

rev. michael lange
President, California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Michael Lange serves on the IMC Board representing the LCMS Council of Presidents

rev. james rockey
President, Florida-Georgia District
James Rockey serves on the IMC Board representing the LCMS Council of Presidents
imc Advisors

Rev. Peter Alexander has served as an Interim Pastor in the LCMS since 1999, serving 10 congregations in California, Nevada, Arizona, Virginia, and New Jersey. He previously served on the IMC Board and now supports the work of the Board as an advisor, as Clearinghouse Coordinator, and as Dean of Faculty for Lutheran Interim Ministry Training. He currently serves as TIM Pastor at University Lutheran, La Jolla, California. Peter’s experience, passion, and leadership make him a great resource for LCMS TIM. Peter welcomes email at pca676@gmail.com